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How Gardening Can Improve Mental Health

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Let's get right to the point. For many of us, the current pandemic has been synonymous with stress, uncertainty and other overwhelming emotions. As we strive to protect our bodies from harm during this unprecedented time, it is equally important not to neglect our sanity.

According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association (APA), the pandemic has been a significant source of stress for 78% of adults. What's even more difficult is that the pandemic has also created barriers that make it harder for people to get the appropriate mental health support they need.

As we continue to adapt and adjust to a "new normal", it is more important than ever to take the time to engage in activities that improve and strengthen our mental well-being. Today we are focusing on an activity that is proven to have a positive impact on mental health: gardening!

The Gardening Trend is Booming

Hobbies have become a staple of our lives since the pandemic hit. Not only did they keep us busy and entertained during quarantine, but they also kept our minds busy in times of uncertainty. From Tik Tok dancing to baking, a wide range of activities have taken the world by storm, and gardening is no exception.

Tower Garden recently surveyed 2,000 Americans to find out more about their behaviors since the start of the pandemic, and an astonishing 65% of those polled said they had tried gardening since early 2020. Some have started gardening for eat better, others to save money, but many survey participants got involved in gardening to benefit their mental health.

TheGuardian site believes this trend is here to stay, reporting that some seed distributors, garden supply manufacturers and other related businesses are posting record profits. Many believe that once people experience the benefits of gardening, they won't want to stop!

A Calming Hobby

As gardening grows in popularity in households around the world, more people are beginning to uncover the therapeutic aspects that come with planting and growing their own food. In fact, a recent study found that 88% of people that took up gardening during the pandemic said it had a positive impact on their mental health. To add to that, 71% of Tower Garden followers on Instagram said that gardening during the pandemic made them feel relaxed.  

Looking back through history, gardens have been used for centuries to help relieve stress and reduce anxiety. This method of therapy even dates back to ancient Egypt, with an article from Washington State University reporting that “anxious royalty were prescribed comforting strolls among the palace greenery.” Even back in those days, the peace a garden brings was not overlooked.

When comparing gardening to other hobbies, the Washington Post reported that it has the same impact as biking, walking, and eating out at a restaurant on our net well-being. With the help of Tower Garden, growers can enjoy the experiences and benefits of gardening year-round, indoors or out

The Point of View of our Gardeners

When we researched how gardening during the pandemic impacted people's mental health, we knew we had to ask our Tower Garden community. A staggering 99% of all gardeners who took our Instagram poll said gardening had a positive impact on their mental well-being.

We then asked our gardeners to use one word to describe how they felt growing with Tower Garden. Their responses were both powerful and moving. Here are some of the most popular answers:

● Hopeful

● Empowered

● Proud

● Happy

● Accomplished

Clearly our growers experience positive emotions when planting, growing, and harvesting their favorite crops. This not only backs up the evidence we learned while researching this topic, but it also illustrates that no matter how you garden, there’s a great chance that it will not only improve your diet, but will also help lift your spirits and your mental health.

Getting Started

Gardening is often mistakenly thought to be a hobby that requires a lot of space, time and prior knowledge. The Guardian has even concluded that many millennials are reluctant to engage in cultivation because they don't have enough space. What if we told you that you only need 2-3 square meters of space and access to electricity to grow your own fresh and delicious vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers?

Thanks to aeroponic technology, gardening - and the mental health impact that goes with it - is now more accessible than ever with Tower Garden. To make things easier for new growers, we've compiled a list of resource guides to help you get started.

Click here to learn more about our Tower Garden and start your gardening journey.

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