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The emotional shock, how to cope

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Emotional shock, how to get out of it

By Colette Dumais N.D. 
Translated from French

Health is a very fragile balance. If the stress we experience every day is a determining factor in breaking this balance in the long term, emotional shock is like a cataclysm that shakes the entire body. The damage caused varies from one person to another and several factors must be considered: the type of stress, its intensity, its duration, the health of the person who suffers it, etc.

Physiological reactions

What you need to know is that under the effect of intense stress
the body works at full capacity. The whole body is on
alert to facilitate the reaction. All chemical and biological transformations
and biological transformations are accelerated and the demand for energy is increased.
The heart beats faster, the blood circulates with more tension,
the lungs take in more air, if we have just eaten, digestion stops, blood rushes
digestion stops, the blood rushes to the limbs and the ideas become
clearer. To ensure this intense cellular activity, the body
must provide an additional supply of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, essential
carbohydrates; proteins; essential fatty acids; vitamins A, E, B and C
and C; minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc
selenium, etc. The greater the stress, the longer and more demanding the period of tension for the body. The consequences are a more rapid rate of wear and tear on the entire body.

Instability that sets in

To return to normal, the body must regain its internal balance by repairing the damage caused by this upheaval. However, our current lifestyle, which is too fast and demanding, as well as our diet, often make the recovery phase difficult.

For this reason, people who have undergone intense stress may see a deterioration in their general health in the medium and long term: diminished vitality, less efficient organs, an unbalanced glandular system, accentuated nutritional deficiencies, blood clogged with pollutants, and a weakened immune system. Here are some of the physical and emotional symptoms that can result directly from this:

Physical symptoms 

  • chilliness, sweaty hands, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, bad breath
  • breath, decreased or increased appetite, nausea, vomiting,
  • diarrhea, constipation, tense face, bloating, flatulence,
  • skin rashes, increased sweating, heart palpitations,
  • back pain, muscle pain, joint pain, nervous tics,
  • minor stuttering, eyelid tremors, restless fingers and feet
  • teeth grinding, frequent colds and flus, premenstrual syndrome, memory loss, lack of concentration, insomnia, etc.

Emotional symptoms

  • unawareness of personality changes, suspicion, devaluation,
  • frustration, irritability, anger, anxiety, feelings of rejection, feelings of
  • of inefficiency, anticipation of the worst, etc.

These discomforts are very real, and the use of quick fixes, such as alcohol and drugs, does not solve any problem and often and often worsens the consequences.


In order to reduce the medium and long term damage and improve physical and emotional health
and emotional health, it is essential to restore organic balance.
organic balance. It is necessary to return to the fundamental principles, the natural factors of health
natural health factors: healthy diet (adapted to individual imbalances)
imbalances), prolonged rest, physical activity, good oxygenation of
oxygenation of the cells through good breathing, positive thinking, etc. These
These factors meet the biological needs of the human being. If some people
have been able to function for a long time without worrying about them, in a post
crisis, such as emotional shock, the use of these factors becomes
primordial. Unfortunately, if this direction is not taken, there is a strong risk that
there is a strong risk that the deterioration of health will continue with all its
with all its consequences.

The purpose of this article is to inform and educate. Individuality predisposes each person to different responses. The information contained herein does not replace the need for diagnosis and treatment by a
and treatment by a health care professional.

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