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  • Detoxification with herbs
    11864 Views Liked

    Most of us take the time to clean out our closets and drawers from time to time. So why not do the same for our bodies and help them regularly in their process of elimination and detoxification?

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  • Good Intestinal Health
    Good Intestinal Health
    10965 Views Liked

    Feeling of well-being or lightness, stability of weight, stimulation of intellectual faculties, improvement of inflammatory conditions, health of the skin, prevention of diseases by the elimination of toxins, this is certainly an interesting picture! Know that all these benefits go hand in hand with good intestinal function. 

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  • Why detoxify?
    15627 Views Liked

    There is no doubt that toxins are harmful to health and if you want to maintain good overall health and good digestion you must eliminate them from the body.

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  • Eat well, but also assimilate well
    10269 Views Liked

    If you have gas, constipation, nausea, bloating, heartburn or are tired after meals, it is a sign that your digestion is not going well.

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Showing 1 to 4 of 7 (2 Pages)