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Green barley: protection against cancer

19013 Views 38 Liked
Par R. Pickard, M.D.
Center for Holistic and Nutritional Medidine, 
Berkeley, Californie.

Champ d'orge verte

Few substances in nature surpass all others for the health benefits they offer. Juice extracted from young barley plants is one of the exceptions.

For the past two years, I've been using this product in my medical practice, with excellent results. The history of Barleygreen goes back to Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, a Japanese physician and scientist. Dr. Hagiwara researched for over 10 years before finding a super-nutritious food that could compensate for the ever-deteriorating diet of the Japanese, who were becoming addicted to over-processed junk. He discovered that the leaves of young barley plants are packed with nutrients, including all the essential vitamins and minerals. I can only give an overview of the research that is currently being done.

First of all, it was found in the laboratory that green barley neutralizes the mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of 3,4-benzyprene, which is formed in charcoal-grilled meats. In Japan, this factor is the cause of a high incidence of stomach cancer. Green barley has also been shown to inactivate carcinogenic air pollutants. Mr. Tsureo Koda, Director of the Genetic Research Center of Japan, maintains that the juice extracted from green barley contains substances that neutralize nitric compounds and acid ions. Around 70% of known carcinogenic substances are nitric compounds, and since the enzymes in green barley juice can neutralize them, it could thus play an important role in cancer prevention.

Dr. Yasuo Hotta, biologist and researcher at the University of California, San Diego, found that green barley juice contains a substance called "P4D1", which has the ability to protect reproductive cells from known carcinogens. In addition, green barley juice can stimulate DNA repair in cells, protecting them from the devastating effects of carcinogens. Another finding is that the P4D1 in green barley juice also has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to control oral mucosa and oral cavity, as well as dermatitis, ulcers and colitis.

Another super-powerful enzyme in green barley juice is superoxide dismutase (SOD). SOD is part of every cell in the body and acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from radiation and free radicals emanating from pollution. It is also an anti-inflammatory and helps prevent damage to cells caused by heart attacks. SOD is highly concentrated in green barley juice, which is the only significant source of this enzyme in nature, apart from the liver.

Green barley juice is also rich in chlorophyll, and is an excellent detoxifying agent.

All you need is one or two teaspoons of powder a day to obtain its beneficial effects. I mix it with aloe vera juice, which gives me a real health cocktail. Users report all kinds of results, such as increased energy and resolution of inflammation problems. Some cancer treatment centers recommend it to their patients. Green barley juice is now part of my daily diet. I'm convinced that this pollution protector will help me live a longer, healthier life.

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