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The Boutenko family: an amazing case

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This is the story of a family whose members have all recovered from serious illnesses. To learn about their remedies, read on.

By Solange Laurin, naturopath.

Victoria is a Russian immigrant who came to the United States with her husband and children about 15 years ago. At first, they were amazed to see so many foods on the supermarket shelves and wanted to try everything. As a result, Victoria, who weighed 180 lbs (80 kg) when she arrived, gained about 100 lbs (45 kg) after two years. She began to suffer from severe heart arrhythmia. In addition, her left arm was constantly numb at night. She tried all the fad diets, failed, and fell into a deep depression.

At the age of 35, Igor, the father, had shaky hands, puffy eyes, white hair, and suffered from arthritis, chronic fatigue, extreme irritability and insomnia. His pulse rate was 150 beats per minute at rest and the doctors could not bring it back to normal. One day, he noticed a large lump on his neck. The specialists diagnosed him with an overactive thyroid and advised him to have the gland removed. Igor refused.

At the age of nine, the eldest son, Sergei, suffers from severe mood swings and experiences alternating periods of hyperactivity and exhaustion. He is constantly snacking and his school performance is getting worse and worse. On Halloween night, after eating all his candy, he faints. His mother found him on the bathroom floor. Diagnosis: juvenile diabetes. The doctor told him that he had to start injecting insulin and that he would have to take it for the rest of his life. However, the insulin injection can have serious side effects: blindness and kidney loss. After crying her eyes out, Victoria set out to find a better solution for her beloved son.

As for Valya, the youngest of the family, a respiratory weakness prevented her from running with her classmates. During the night, she had great difficulty breathing. Diagnosis: asthma!

After searching relentlessly for alternatives to what the doctors were suggesting, Victoria finally discovered living foods and decided, along with her family, to follow the dietary rules. She emptied the fridge and pantry of their contents to avoid temptation. For the first two weeks, the family ate only salads, but soon discovered some appetizing dishes. Hope is reborn. And for good reason! All the family's health problems were solved one after the other without any medication. Their only remedy: a simple and natural raw vegetable diet. One day, they decide to travel around the United States in a motorized vehicle. For six months, rain or shine, they sleep under the stars. They crossed the 4160 km (2600 mile) Pacific Crest Trail on foot, eating mostly fruit and leafy greens. At the end of their journey, they settled in Ashland, Oregon, where Victoria became the head chef of a living food restaurant: the Well Springs Garden Café.

Thanks to this new way of eating, Sergei is no longer hyperactive. Within six months, his grades went from a D to an A. Today, Victoria and her family give living food talks with a strong sense of gratitude.

Solange Laurin is the author of "La santé autrement dit" and "Alimentation vivante".

For more information about the Boutenko family or to order their book: click here.

Tag: Raw food

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